Elisa Cappellari (Brazil, 1993)

Elisa Cappellari is a photographer based in Bolzano, Italy, who works between commissions and personal projects, focusing on understanding the concept of nature and identity in contemporary society. Born in South America and raised in Northern Italy, her visual work navigates between reality and metaphor, aiming to sensitise people to the view of living beings as hybrids, made up of dualities and opposites that are constantly manifested in their bodies. She feels the need to spread messages about the strength and beauty of diversity by identifying herself with animals, plants or objects of a given territory in which she observes the existence of wild and domesticated features. This allows her to recognise tensions, behaviours and emotions of a space, and to develop a knowledge and sense of belonging with it. After graduating in Graphic and Multimedia Communication, she continued her studies in Art and Photography, graduating from the KABK Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague in 2021.  
To collaborate → EMAIL
Via Giotto 5, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
T. +39 3334292861